Since we had to get ready for the Crazy for Gardening makeover, we got some young men to help us. Our son, John and two of his friends, Bosko and Logan helped do the major gut work (aka the heavy lifting).  Did you ever try to plan a project and underestimate how long it would take? We always do! We thought it was going to be a quick morning project.
Here are our pre-gut steps: 1) I harvested all the veggies last week. 2) We had the Rain Bird system shut down for the season. 3) Alan disconnected the drip system so it can be realigned and pruned the grape vine way back – the bird are ticked off!.
The gutting steps included: 4) While the guys removed all the cedar chips that lined the walkway, we are saving them to reuse. 5) Also, the removed the wood frames for 5 of the 6 raised beds! The very first raised bed that we installed was made from two rows of 4x4s secured with rebar – what a pain in the butt! So far the guys can’t remove it. Also, our chain saw is not working : ( Hopefully, we can get it fixed this week. 6) Next the guys removed the dirt which we are saving on tarps – hopefully the rain stays away! 7) Next the guys tried to level the garden as much as they could.

While we have been talking about this project for years, it is finally happening. The main reason we are gutting the inside of the garden is so we can have some elevated beds so I don’t have to bend over as much and so we have wider walkways. There are more reasons but you will have to stay tuned to find out.
Right now we are in a race against Mother Nature. We are hoping for a mild fall!
If you missed my prior makeover post, there is time to catch up.