Outdoor Grow Room

Grow Bag Table

Alan built a grow bag table which is not as high as my elevated garden beds but it sets off the ground.  The top of the table sets 20 inches off the ground.   If you recall, we have a lot of rain that runs down our driveway which used to make the grow bags really soggy.  Previously, I had three of the large grow bags in the front of the garden and the rest in the back and on the side.  With the garden makeover, all six large grow bags will be in the front of the garden fortress on the elevated grow bag table.

There are two tables that are 12 feet long together, 2 feet wide and 20 inches tall.  While Alan built the base out of cedar (4 x 4 cedar posts and boards that are 3 1/2 inches wide as the base ), he used a pine plank that is 3/4 inches wide for the top.  We have been trying to use cedar wood for the project as it is more durable and should last longer than pine. Unfortunately, cedar is not sold in large planks so we decided to use pine for the top.  We will talk about how I am preserving the horizontal pieces another day!

My goal is to grow potatoes in 3 of the bags and sweet potatoes in the other three.

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