
Gardyn 3.0 App

Of course, everything has an app! The App for my Gardyn 3.0 is pretty slick.

Light Intensity: This section of the App allows you to adjust light intensity from 5 to 100%. You can also schedule the light intensity by the time of day. Some folks adjust it for a lower percentage in the morning and evening to reflect how the sun normally rises and sets slowly. Gardyn recommends 100% for 14 to 16 hours per day.

Water Level: This section of the App tells you when you need to top off the tank with more water and plant food. The tank holds 5 gallons. You can also schedule how many times a day the water circulates. I have mine schedule at 12 AM, 8 AM and 4 PM.

Resources: This section of the App includes a Live View, Plant Book and Help Center.

Live View: There are two cameras on the rods that have the lights so you can check on your plants.

Plant Book: For each variety, the online plant book lets you know how many dates to sprout and to mature, whether you need to thin and where to locate on the tower. It also provide information on how to use, qualities and origin

Help Center: This section provides a lot of help and useful ideas such as Gardyn Set-Up, Caring for Plants, etc.

If you join the monthly membership program (which I did not), you will get another feature on the Gardyn App called Kelby Assist which uses AI technology to optimize your growing experience.

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