
Fabulous Fava Beans

Fava Plant

Well this is my first time growing fava beans so we can learn together. Since I’ve had good luck growing different beans & peas, I thought I would go exotic this year. I am growing Windsor Fava Beans from Botanical Interests. Fava beans are considered Mediterranean heirlooms. The fava plant grows between 2 and 4 feet tall so it is recommended that you stake the plant because it can get heavy with the fava pods. This plant has a nice bloom consisting of a black and white flower.

In order to help germinate, I soaked the seeds overnight for 12 hours. Then I drained them and gently dried them with a paper towel. The seeds should be planted 1 inch deep and 1 foot apart. You need to time the planting of the fava bean just right because it prefers cool weather (under 70 degrees) and take 85 days to mature. You can plant the fava bean directly in the ground 4 to 6 weeks before the average last frost in the Spring or earlier if under cover. I planted my fava seeds the first week of April (see above). I will let you know if I had enough cool weather. I am also going to try growing them in early Fall. We will see what happens. Another idea is to grow them under cover in early winter. It sounds like another experiment!!

The fava plant reminds me of an okra plant since the pods grow upright instead of hanging down like a green bean.

Fava Seeds

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