Another first appearance at Crazy For Gardening . . .the Eastern Towhee. We had two baby Towhees at the bird feeder but I couldn’t find my camera fast enough!
Appearance: The male is black on top with reddish brown sides and a white belly. . The tail and wings are black with white markings. The female is similar in appearance except the black areas are brown.
Feeding Habits:  Eastern Towhees like insects, seeds and fruit. They prefer eating from ground feeders.
Nesting Habits:Â Â Their nests are in the shape of a cup.

Migration:  Eastern Towhees like to stay in Pittsburgh during summer and migrate to the southern states, Mexico and Central and South America. According to the bird experts, the Eastern Towhee likes to stay year round in south east Pennsylvania – not sure why!
If you missed my article on the White Crowned Sparrow, just click on the link.