Because of the squirrel baffle, usually the squirrels don’t get access to the bird feeders. This little one jumped from the outdoor bird cage that I had on the ground and was so happy to get access to the bird feeder!

Appearance: These squirrels have long and furry tails.  Different eastern fox squirrel species have different color fur. The ones in my neighborhood seem to be brown. I also have seen a few black ones. You also might see grey or reddish ones. They usually have lighter belly fur.
Feeding Habits: Eastern fox squirrels will eat nuts, seeds, fruit and insects. I always find small tree seedlings growing in my containers and raised beds from the squirrels burying nuts!
Nesting Habits:  Eastern fox squirrels love to live in trees and prefer open areas with spaces between the trees. They build nests in cavities or holes of larger tree hardwood trees.  Female squirrels usually have 1 to 6 babies twice a year.
Longevity: In the wild, squirrels might only live for a year. In our neighborhood, the hawks are always going after them.