Cherry Tomato Varieties

Cherry Falls Tomatoes

This is the first year that I am growing these cuties!  Cherry Falls Tomatoes are doing fantastic.  They were my first tomatoes to ripen.


1) I typically only grow vining or indeterminate tomato plants.  This year I thought I would branch out and try a determinate cherry tomato plant in two of my containers/pots.

Cherry Falls Tomatoes Cascading

2) While Cherry Falls Tomatoes are great for hanging baskets and containers, you need to have enough room for these tomatoes to cascade down.  They can cascade down to 18 inches which is still considered vertical gardening but in the opposite direction. When I transplanted this variety, I staked the main branch which is cheating!

3) This cherry tomato plant produces clusters of cherry tomatoes that are 1 1/2 inches.

4) Cherry Falls tomatoes mature in about 65 days.

5) I think they are sweet and have a bit of a thicker skin than some cherry tomatoes.  Overall, they are great snackers!

The last veggie variety that I highlighted was the Shin Kuroda Carrot.


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