Arugula Seed Ideas

Seed Ideas for Arugula

There are more choices for Arugula than you would think! Don’t forget that arugula is a great candidate for your spring and fall garden and for hydroponics. Seed Ideas: The following four choices can be found at Botanical Interests Rocket – when you are shopping for arugula at the grocery store, this is the variety […]

Artichoke Seed Ideas

Seed Ideas for Artichokes

If you live in a warmer climate, you can grow artichokes as perennials.  In Pittsburgh, PA, artichokes are grown as annuals. If you have to grow annual artichokes, then look for a maturity date under 90 days.  Since I like to get the biggest bang for my buck, I look at the number of buds […]

Winter Radish Seed Ideas

Seed Ideas for Winter Radishes

We previously reviewed some spring radish seed ideas.  Now its time to cover the winter radishes. If you like white daikon radishes , then check out: Miyashige White – this variety will grow to be 12 to 18 inches long. Japanese Minowase – make sure your raised bed is tall enough because these daikons will […]