Crystal White Wax Onions can be grown for cute little pickling onions. Features: 1) The onion bulb can range between 1 and 4 inches wide. I decided to grow my Crystal Whites like a pearl onion so I harvested them between 1 and 2 inches wide. 2) Crystal Whites are considered short day onions. 3) […]
Onion Varieties
Ringmaster Onion
In addition to Red Amposta Onions, I also grew Ringmaster Onions. Features: 1) This onion variety has white rings. 2) It is a long day onion. 3) Ringmaster onions have a sweet and mild flavor. 4) It is an improved version of the White Sweet Spanish Onion. 5) This variety will mature in 120 days. […]
Pacific Pearl Onions
I put the Pacific Pearl Onions in the ground sometime in the fall 2016 and let them stay in the ground under cover over the winter and had a nice surprise this spring.  The packet for the Pacific Pearl indicates that it is more day-neutral and can be planted almost any time of the year. I […]
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