There are two types of radishes: Spring Radishes:  These radishes are typically smaller in size and grow quickly. They can be round or oblong. Their flavor can be mild or spicy. You can sow them in the spring or the fall. Some examples include Easter Egg and French Breakfast. Winter Radishes:  These radishes are typically longer, bigger and/or […]
Types of Vegetables
Types of Onions
Since there are three types of onions, you need to understand them and consider where you live. Different types of onions like a certain amount of daylight to form a bulb. Technically, you can grow all three types but if you want a full grown bulb you will need to consider the following: Long Day […]
Types of Tomatoes
While most types of tomatoes can be grown in a bush or pole format and in an array of color options, you need to consider what types of tomatoes you want to grow. Here are the types: Cherry Tomatoes: These round tomatoes weigh between 1/4 to 2 oz. They are bite sized and are juicy. […]
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