Sweet Pepper Varieties

Shishito Peppers

Oh my, shishito peppers are so yummy! I had them a few times at a restaurant and decided that I had to start growing them!  Features: 1) Shishitos are sweet with a smoky flavor. 2) They are in the range of 50 to 200 on the Scoville heat range which means that they are mild.  Once […]

Cherry Tomato Varieties

Purple Bumble Bee Cherry Tomatoes

Well I think the name of Purple Bumble Bee cherry tomato is a bit deceiving!  This is another variety in the Artisan Bumble Bee Series.  Last time, we talked about the Sunrise Bumble Bee. Features: 1) These cherry tomatoes are purple/red color with green streaks. 2) Purple Bumble Bee cherry tomatoes will bear fruit that […]

Cherry Tomato Varieties

Sunrise Bumble Bee Cherry Tomatoes

Did you ever hear of the Artisan Bumble Bee Cherry Tomato Series?  Well Sunrise is one of the varieties. Features: 1) These cherry tomatoes are sweet with a bit of tang. 2) Sunrise Bumble Bees are yellow/orange with red streaks. 3) This plant grows on a vigorous vine so it will reach up to 6 […]