Nutrition Information for Arugula

Nutrition Information for Arugula

If you need some reasons why you should be eating more veggies and fruit, then we will go over their nutritional value. Starting out with A for Arugula. While arugula is low in calories (about 5 calories in 1 cup), it is known for the following nutrients: Vitamin A Folate (Vitamin B-9) Vitamin C Vitamin […]

Shallot Varieties

French Grey Shallots

I am growing French Grey Shallots for the first time this year. Features: 1) This variety can withstand heavy freezes. 2) Each French Grey Shallot bulb will produce between 6 and 12 shallots. I will let you know how many I get! 3) This shallot has a hard shell around a purple bulb. 4) French […]

Shallot Varieties

Dutch Red Shallots

In addition to Dutch Yellow Shallots, I also grow Dutch Red Shallots. Features: 1) Since this variety can withstand freezes, this shallot does quite if planted in the fall. 2) Each Dutch Red Shallot bulb will produce between 6 and 12 shallots. Typically, I will get about 8 or 9 in a cluster. 3) The […]