Harvest and Store Snow Peas

Harvest and Store Snow Peas

If you can’t eat all your snow peas when they are fresh, then I would suggest you blanch them and use your excess snow peas in the wok or sautee them.  The are so good when you preserve them at their prime! Harvesting Tips:  1) Snow peas are ready for harvest when they are a […]

Dehydrate Peppers

Dehydrate Guajillo Peppers

Many folks including my husband, Alan use dried/dehydrated Guajillo Peppers to make sauce.  It is so good!.  We will chat about that soon. Dehydrate and Store Steps: 1) Rinse and dry the guajillo peppers. 2) Place the whole pepper including the stem in the dehydrating tray. 3) I used the dehydrating option on my air […]

Harvest and Store Radishes

Harvest and Store Radishes

Here are my tips for harvesting and storing radishes. Harvesting Tips:  1) Keep in mind the maturity dates on the seed packet as a rule of thumb.  While most spring radishes are ready in 30 days, winter radishes are ready from 50 to 70 days depending on the variety.   If you know how wide the […]