I like to adjust my raised bed plans when I get a stellar idea.  Since I like to keep my plants from the cabbage family away from the destructive cabbage moth, I definitely put them under a lightweight cover over my pvc hoops. The combination of plants or companions that I am using are: […]
General Gardening
Kabob Sticks
While you might think that it is odd to classify kabob sticks or bamboo skewers as “garden tools”, I don’t think so! I find them very helpful to give seedlings some support when transplanting. In the spring time, the windy weather can really destroy your transplants. I usually use three kabob sticks to circle the […]
Maximum Soil Temperature for Spring Plants
Last time we talked about the minimum soil temperature for germinating many spring plants, now lets look at the maximum temperature for the same plants. Fava beans will germinate until the soil reaches about 65 degrees Fahrenheit. By 70 degrees Fahrenheit, arugula, celery, celeriac and mache will stop germinating. The following vegetables will need to […]
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