
Picture Insect App

I previously mentioned that  it is important to identify a beneficial insect that can help with pollination from a pest which can harm your veggies and fruit.  Also, you might find some insects are neutral so they don’t really benefit or harm your plants.  I found this great app called Picture Insect that I downloaded […]


Cucumber Beetles

There are two kind of cucumber beetles and both fall into the pest or bad bug category.  They cause a lot of damage to the cucurbit family which includes cucumbers, squash, watermelon and cantaloupe – I have to be on my toes because I am growing all four! Features:  Cucumber beetles are only 1/4 inch […]



I found my first leafhopper in my vegetable garden.  If you decide to kill an insect, you should determine whether it is a good bug or a pest.  The leafhopper falls into the second category.  While they may not overrun your garden, they will suck on leaves and inject their toxic saliva. Features:  They are […]