While some folks don’t appreciate Blue Jays because they can be aggressive, the ones that hang out in our yard are mild compared to the Grackles and Starlings. Blue Jays are definitely beautiful!
Appearance: The male and female look the same. Both have blue backs, wings and tails, white faces, gray bellies, and black rings around their neck and black and white markings on their wings and tails.
Feeding Habits: Blue Jays love peanuts, sunflowers seeds and suet. They also will go for insects and fruit.

Nesting Habits:  Their nests are in the shape of a cup. They prefer oak trees for their nests. So a few weeks ago, I saw two baby Blue Jays that had just flown their nest and were resting on the trunk of a big old oak tree down the street. I tried to take a photo, but it came out super blurry because my dog wanted to keep walking. While I don’t have a photo to share, I can tell you they looked like blue puff balls.
Migration:Â Â In PA, Blue Jays stick around all year.
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