While this might look like an ordinary zucchini, it is not! Any vegetable tastes better straight from the garden – of course! Don’t let the name fool you since Black Beauty has dark green skin and cream flesh.
If you have any digestive issues and can’t take the thick skin of some zucchini types, then you may have found your dream zucchini in Black Beauty.  First of all, the skin is very thin and tender.

If you like a productive plant, then take a look at this variety and pick the zucchini fruit when they are about 8 inches long. While this variety takes about 55 days to mature, the plant grows in a bush format and will get up to 2 feet tall by 4 feet wide.
I think Black Beauty Zucchini is worth trying out in your garden. I purchased my seeds from Botanical Interests.
If you need some more tips on how to Sow and Grow Summer Squash, just click on the link.