I don’t have a fancy name for this salad! In the winter, I like to use the smaller Brussels Sprouts (B.S.) and onion from my garden on my salads. It’s not total B.S. because I really do use them. I know the trend is to cook them, but I like them raw too! Here is my favorite combo for the B.S. Salad:
- Baby leaf or spring lettuce
- Brussels Sprouts (of course!)
- Zucchini
- Onion
- Tomato
Sometimes, I top the salad with some leftover meat or seafood. In this picture, I topped the salad with some left over calamari from my dinner at a local restaurant called Ibiza in the South Side of Pittsburgh, PA.  Too good to be true!
As for dressing, I typically use a little ranch or blue cheese dressing. I keep saying that I am going to start making my own salad dressing but I haven’t started yet! There is always hope that I will change my ways.
Now I don’t like big chunks of anything on my B.S. salad. This way I get to taste several ingredients in each bite! If you have a favorite salad combo for Brussels sprouts, email me at sandyatcrazyforgardening@gmail.com.