
Charred Salsa

We are following up on our salsa recipe from last year. This year, Alan kicked it up a notch by taking the same ingredients and charring the tomatoes, peppers, onion and garlic. Here are the ingredients: 6 -8  tomatoes (depends on the size of the tomatoes and how much you want).  This year we used […]

General Gardening

Harvest and Store Cherry Tomatoes

Sometimes pictures just say it all.  Look at these beautiful cherry tomatoes that I harvested from my garden.  As you know, I am growing the Rainbow Blend from Botanical Interests which is quite a treat.  There are seven different varieties that are color coded in one seed packet.  Also, I am growing Principe Borghese.  If […]


Red Alert – Leaf Curl

Now one problem with some peach and nectarine trees is that they can be affected (or infected) with leaf curl. However, some of these tree varieties can be resistant to leaf curl. Unfortunately, the Reliance peach tree that I have is not resistant! The first two years my peach tree got leaf curl in the […]