Seed and Bulb Ideas

Seed Ideas for Cardoon

While we are on the topic of artichoke seeds, I thought we would chat about cardoon seeds.  They are kissing cousins!  While you eat the bud of an artichoke, you eat the stems of cardoon. The stems have a mild artichoke flavor.  If you live in an area where this plant can become a perennial, then you […]

Seed and Bulb Ideas

Seed Ideas for Chinese Cabbage

If you don’t like the flavor of cabbage, you have to try Chinese cabbage! It is very mild and crisp.  It is a must for salads, stir-fry and wraps. Another feature is that it typically stores longer then lettuce. Another name for Chinese cabbage is Napa cabbage. The last few years I have been growing […]


Ginger People

For years, I have been making ginger people from a recipe that I found in Country Home Magazine in Dec./Jan. 2006.  This recipe has one of our favorite holiday spices – ginger.  When you think of ginger, you might be thinking of holiday beer, ginger ale or ginger bread.  The first thing that comes to […]