Bok Choy Varieties

Violetta Pac Choi

This is a pretty and smaller pac choi or bok choy.  Here is what I love about this one:  1) it is purple on top with green veins on top and green underneath so it provides a nice contrast in the garden, 2) it is much slower to bolt than other varieties that I have […]

Harvest And Store Blooms

Bouquet of Calla Lilies and More

Mother’s Day wouldn’t be complete without flowers in the world according to Crazy for Gardening!  My husband found these two flower bouquets at one of our local grocery stores called Giant Eagle. My bouquet has beautiful purple calla lilies, pink roses, ornamental kale, thistle (I think!) and other delicate deep pink flowers!  I am not […]

Outdoor Grow Room

Vegetable Beds – Idea #2

I am planning my raised bed for the cabbage family.  Since the cabbage moths and worms are ruthless around here, I put the cabbage family together in a raised bed with netting overhead to keep the bad bugs out. I plan to put 3 brussels sprout plants down the middle and cauliflower and broccoli on either side with […]