Swiss Chard Varieties

Bright Lights Swiss Chard

This Bright Lights Swiss Chard seed packet adds a lot of color to the garden.  I purchased the Bright Lights from Botanical Interests.  While the seeds are not color coded, you will get a nice surprise of color.  This packet includes chard with gold, orange, pink, yellow, crimson and lavender stems and veins.  You will […]

Pea Varieties

Purple Podded Snow Pea

This is the first year that I am growing the Purple Podded Snow Pea from the Hart Seed Company.  I found this seed packet at a local nursery. This snow pea is a Dutch variety that is also known as Blauwschokkers.  This variety can climb up to 6 feet tall.  This vining plant produces very pretty purple, pink […]

Onion Varieties

Pacific Pearl Onions

I put the Pacific Pearl Onions in the ground sometime in the fall 2016 and let them stay in the ground under cover over the winter and had a nice surprise this spring.   The packet for the Pacific Pearl indicates that it is more day-neutral and can be planted almost any time of the year. I […]