Types of Artichokes

Types of Artichokes

Believe it or not, you can do succession planting with artichokes. You can sow the seeds and grow them at the same time but stagger the harvests with different types/varieties based on maturity dates. Round / Globe: The buds on these plants are round. This is the most common type of artichoke if you are […]

Tomato Seed Ideas

Seed Ideas for Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a good provider of choices in the garden. Not only do they differ by type, they also offer choices in color and whether they grow in a bush or pole format. I also love the color-coded seed blends that are offered by some companies. I think High Mowing Seeds does a great job […]

Types of Tomatoes

Types of Tomatoes

While most types of tomatoes can be grown in a bush or pole format and in an array of color options, you need to consider what types of tomatoes you want to grow.  Here are the types: Cherry Tomatoes:  These round tomatoes weigh 2 oz or less.  They are bite sized and are juicy. Grape […]