My initial post of my Garden Fortress was way back in February 2014. While I still love it, we are in the process of giving it an update. Change is good!
We had to wait until fall to really start working on it when the gardening season was winding down and before the snow comes. As you can see, I was busy harvesting all weekend so we can update the interior of the garden too. l’ve got food everywhere in the house waiting to be eaten or stored – yikes!
The best part of the fenced in garden/fortress is the size – 16 ft by 24 ft.  During our fall update, I thought it might be helpful for you to see what worked and didn’t work with our original plan. First up is the original gate. . .
Cons with the original gate:
1) The gate was too short so I had to put up deer netting on top to keep out cats and groundhogs.
2) Also, I couldn’t fit the wheelbarrow through the gate. Even if I could get the wheelbarrow through the gate, there wasn’t enough room between the raised beds to use it. Don’t worry – we are also updating the spacing and the raised beds.

3) Once I started composting, we put the containers on the other side near the garbage cans where it was more level which is on the other side of the garden. What a pain to scoop out the compost and walk all around the garden – boohoo for me!

Our Next Steps:
Alan is installing a double wide gate on the other side of the garden. We will also remove the old gate and put up fencing. I have more updates so stay tuned. Lots going on at Crazy for Gardening!