I am growing three artichoke seedlings. The variety that I am growing is Tavor which I purchased High Mowing Seeds. I picked this variety because it matures in 90 days which is a bonus since I am growing the artichokes as annuals not perennials. I started the seeds indoors in February.
Now I am trying to determine when I am going to transplant them outdoors and where I am going to plant them. I think I will plant them outside within the first two weeks of February. This is my first time growing them so I don’t want to screw up!
As for where I plant them, I have two factors to consider: 1) Enough space – the artichoke plants will grow to about 4 feet wide. 2) Afternoon shade – I should plant the artichokes in a location where there is afternoon shade or where I can put up a shade cloth.
If you missed my seed ideas for artichokes, click on the link.