Tomatoes are a good provider of choices in the garden. Not only do they differ by type, they also offer choices in color and whether they grow in a bush or pole format. I also love the color-coded seed blends that are offered by some companies. I think High Mowing Seeds does a great job […]
Tag: Tomato
Gilbertie Roma Tomatoes
Gilbertie Tomatoes are really nice roma tomatoes which are great for making sauce. Features: 1) This Roma tomato will grow up to 8 inches long. 2) Gilberties mature in 85 days. 3) This roma will weigh up to 12 oz. 4) This variety is an heirloom. 5) Gilbertie Tomatoes have a meaty flesh. 6) This […]
B.S. Salad
I don’t have a fancy name for this salad! In the winter, I like to use the smaller Brussels Sprouts (B.S.) and onion from my garden on my salads. It’s not total B.S. because I really do use them. I know the trend is to cook them, but I like them raw too! Here is […]
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