Spinach Varieties

Palco Spinach

Palco spinach is fast growing and tolerates some warmer weather. Features: 1) Just like most spinach, Palco spinach shines in the spring and fall. 2) The seeds should be sowed about 1/2″ deep and be spaced between 3 and 6 inches apart. 3) Typically this variety will reach between 6 and 12 inches tall. 4) […]

Vegetable Categories


Unlike Tubers, Greens shine above ground.  The members of the Greens category of veggies include: Aster Family: lettuce and chicory Brassica Family:  arugula, cabbage, bok choy, collards, kale, mizuna, mustard, tatsoi and watercress Amaranth Family: spinach, strawberry spinach and swiss chard Buckwheat Family:  sorrel Similarities:  Of course, you eat the leaf part of greens.  I usually […]