

Don’t just throw away your plant (veggies, fruit, herbs, and flower) scraps in a plastic bag! Everyone has an opinion on how to compost.  After researching, I decided to use the method that is explained in Eliot Coleman’s book titled “Four-Season Harvest”. The compost ingredients include brown material, green material and soil. Formula:  Here is […]

Compost Bin

Compost Bin

If you never composted, here is the first thing you need to get you started. . . you should build or purchase a compost bin.  While some folks like a compost tumbler, I purchased two stationary compost bins.  I previously tried a tumbler, but I found it hard to turn. Once I switched to the […]

General Gardening Outdoor Grow Room

Earth Day

I think this is a perfect day to talk about some simple ideas for helping the earth!  I would have to say that I am more aware of trying to do things better since I started gardening and after I went to a garbage dump – that was an eye opener and very stinky!  I […]