Cocktails from Pittsburgh Bars

Riverboat Gambler Cocktail

Went to our favorite New Orleans restaurant that is located in Pittsburgh called Muddy Waters.  I tried the delicious Riverboat Gambler. Ingredients: Bacon Washed Scotch Punt E Mes Vermouth Sweet Vermouth Demerara Sugar Tobacco Bitters The last adult beverage I shared was the Three Quarters Gone Beer.

Cocktails from Pittsburgh Bars

Un-president’d Cocktail

We went to the farmer’s market last Friday on the North Side of Pittsburgh and stopped by to visit with the folks at Siempre Algo.   Of course, I tried one of their creations called Un-president’d.  It was very good! Ingredients: Maggie’s Farm White Rum – Maggie’s Farm is a Pittsburgh distillery Alma de Trabanco Quinquina […]