Foodie Ideas From Pittsburgh Restaurants

Grilled Cactus Paddles

There are not many Mexican restaurants that serve grilled nopales or cactus paddles in Pittsburgh, PA.   We found some at Insomnia Discotec in Brookline.    The meal that I ordered was called Carnitas de Puerco which included cactus.  If you never had grilled cactus paddles, don’t be scared to try them as they taste similar […]

Cactus Varieties

Thanksgiving Cactus

Did you know that there are Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter Cacti?  I have a Thanksgiving Cactus. Best Features: 1) Thanksgiving Cactus leaves are flat with serrated edges. 2) The blooms start on the ends of the leaves in a tube. 3) As they mature, the blooms look like flowers within a flower. 4)  In Pittsburgh, […]