Seed and Bulb Ideas

Seed Ideas for Brussels Sprouts

Sometimes you come across really good ideas that you need to share.  For instance, if you really like to grow Brussels Sprouts and would like to extend your harvesting season, I would check out Territorial Seed Company. Brussels Sprouts are plants that you typically plant once as they need over 80 days to mature depending […]

Recipes Vegetables

B.S. Salad

I don’t have a fancy name for this salad!  In the winter, I like to use the smaller Brussels Sprouts (B.S.) and onion from my garden on my salads.  It’s not total B.S. because I really do use them.  I know the trend is to cook them, but I like them raw too!  Here is […]


Harvesting and Storing Brussels Sprouts

If you recall from many months ago, I grew Long Island Improved Brussels Sprouts.  Anticipation is key with this vegetable because it gets a head start indoors, is transplanted in the Spring and for the most part is harvested in the Fall. I am still learning about this vegetable!  Some varieties of this plant provide […]