A lot of people overlook growing celery in their yard because it is so readily available at the grocery store. You should give it a try – the taste is so much better if it is home grown.
Indoor Sowing Tips:  1) Since celery germinates and grows slowly, start the seeds indoors around 3 to 4 months before the last spring frost under grow lights. 2) Since the best soil temperature for germination is between 55°F and 70°F, a seed heating mat would be helpful. 3) Celery seeds are typically planted 1/8″ deep.
Another option for growing celery indoors is to grow it from scraps. 1) Next time you buy some organic celery, cut about 3 inches from the base and stick it in water.  Kids love this method! 2) If you are growing celery from scraps, I would start in February or March. 3) Remember to keep changing the water and give the celery light by the window or under a grow light.

This picture is what it looks like after 3 weeks.   Once it starts growing in the middle, it is time to plant it in a pot until its time for transplanting outside.
Growing Tips: 4) Transplant the celery seedlings a few weeks before the average last spring frost date. 5) Space the seedlings about 6″ apart or 4 plants per square foot.  6) Be careful where you plant celery because the roots are shallow and don’t like to be disturbed. 7) Celery likes consistent moisture and compost for growing. 8) Beware of slugs because they like celery too. 9) Celery also does well in the fall just be prepared with garden fabric and a hoop tunnel in case in gets too cold. A hard frost will make it mushy.
If you want my opinion, I would suggest growing it from seeds vs. scraps for the best tasting celery.
My last sow and grow article was on arugula.