There are a few places to order seed potatoes on-line.  I prefer to order gourmet types of potatoes since it is not that difficult to get russet potatoes. I prefer to plant not more than 3 lbs of seed potatoes. The smallest increment that I found to purchase is one lb. from Landreth Seeds which is where I’ve been purchasing my seed potatoes for the last several years.
This year I am sharing an order from High Mowing Seeds with a gardening buddy – cousin, Sherrie. The smallest order from High Mowing is 2 1/2 lbs. We are ordering All Blue, All Red and Russian Banana Fingerling Potatoes.
Here are some choices to consider:
Blue/Purple skin and flesh: 1) All Blue from Burpee and High Mowing, 2) Purple Majesty from Burpee, Landreth and Territorial Seed Company, and 3) Adirondac Blue from Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Red/Rose skin and flesh: 1) All Red from High Mowing, 2) Adirondack Red from Johnny’s and 3) Mountain Rose from Landreth and Territorial.
Golden flesh:Â 1) Yukon Gold from Burpee, High Mowing, Johnny’s and Territorial, 2) German Butterball from Burpee, High Mowing Seeds, Landreth, and Territorial and 3) Daisy Gold from Burpee.
Fingerlings: There are quite a few choices: 1) Swedish Peanut from Burpee, 2) French From Johnny’s, 3) Russian Banana from High Mowing and Johhnny’s, 4) Rose Finn from High Mowing and Territorial , 5) La Ratte from Landreth and Territorial, 5) AmaRosa from High Mowing, 6) Austrian Crescent from Landreth, 7) Red Thumb from Landreth 8) Purple Peruvian from Landreth.
Happy hunting for the perfect seed potato!