To be honest, I just have two seed ideas for tatsoi. I found tatsoi seeds at Botanical Interests and Johnny’s Selected Seeds. With most seed companies, you have to type in “tatsoi” in their search engine to even find out if they sell these seeds. They appear to be one of the best kept secrets! I purchased my seeds from Botanical Interests.
This year is the first time that I will be growing tatsoi. As for flavor, it appears that it is a cross between bok choy and a mustard plant. Tatsoi likes to be sown in early Spring or late Summer. It is very cold hardy. It matures in 45 days. I am going to plant it under cover to avoid getting bugs and to get an early start this week. This plant should be thinned about 6 inches apart because tatsoi grows in the form of a rosette. Another idea is that you can sow the seeds close together so you can harvest baby leaves.
If you are putting the seeds under cover in the garden, then plant it about 8 weeks before the last Spring frost. If not, then sow it directly in the ground about 3 weeks before the last Spring frost. I waited until now because we have been getting really cold weather off and on, off and on – you get my drift!
Stay tuned because I will be talking about another best kept secret in my next post.