I am sharing some ideas for spring and winter radishes. I think MIgardener has the best choices for spring radishes and Baker Creek (Rare Seeds) has the best choices for winter radishes. I got the blend seed ideas from Botanical Interests and Renee’s Garden
Spring Seed Ideas:
The following are some red skinned options:
- French Breakfast – this one is oblong
- Cherry Belle
- Crimson Giant – round red radish that grow to about 2 inches in diameter
- Early Scarlet Globe
- Red Planet
Some other color options:
- Hailstone – this radish has white skin and flesh.
- Pink Beauty
- Purple Plum – this variety is resistant to cracking
I found some interesting color blends:
- Easter Egg Blend – these radishes are round with a mix of red, white, pink, and purple.
- Garden Party – this blend has purple, pink, red, white and gold radishes.
Winter Seed Ideas:
- Black Spanish – has black skin and white flesh
- China Rose
- China Jade – this is a daikon type of radish that has leaves that taste similar to spinach.
- Japanese Minowase Daikon – this one has white skin and flesh.
- Japanese Wasabi – this one tastes like wasabi and horseradishl.
- Pusa Gulabi – this radish has pink skin and flesh.
- Pusa Jamuni – this radish has purple skin and flesh.
- Red Beauty – this one has red skin and flesh
- Watermelon Radish – This variety has a red/pink middle like a watermelon.
- White Icicle