Seed and Bulb Ideas

Seed Ideas for Endive


Endive/Chicory comes in different varieties.   Here is one thing to keep in mind. . .endive is part of the chicory plant family.  When you are looking up this type of seed, some of the seed catalogs list them under “endive”, “chicory” and “specialty greens”.  Bottom line is you may have to hunt for them!

I am growing Olesh Tres Fine Endive from Botanical Interests.  I like it because it holds up well over the winter.   This variety has a mild flavor and green frilly leaves.  For other green frilly varieties check out Dubuisson and Rhodos from Johnny’s Selected Seeds & Territorial Seed Company, Galia Frisse from Burpee and Frisse from High Mowing Seeds.

If you are looking for a green variety that is less frilly, then take a look at Bianca Riccia from Johnny’s and Séance Chicory from Territorial.  Séance grows in the form of a head and is slow to bolt.

If you want a lot of choices, then check out the chicory choices from Seeds from Italy which is also known as Grow Italian.  One of the seed choices that peaked my interest is Chicory Grumolo Bionda.  It is light green elongated head with large rounded leaves.  After harvesting in the fall, the catalog suggest leaving the root in the ground so you will get a rosette in the spring.  Also, check out Chicory Galantina which is also called asparagus chicory that is grown for the green and white stems.

One of the most interesting seed choice is Totem which is a Belgian endive that you can purchase from High Mowing and Johnny’s.  This is one is a gourmet delicacy!  While I have no experience growing white endive, you can learn more about it by searching the web.  It sounds too complicated for me, but it might suit your fancy!


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