Here are some broccoli ideas for you. If you have problems growing broccoli, you may want to try a hybrid. Don’t forget that hybrid seeds are from cross pollinated plants that give you nice features from the two plants:
High Mowing Seeds, Johnny’s Selected Seeds and Territorial Seed Company give you several hybrid options:
Belstar, Bay Meadows and Imperial – more heat tolerant so you can have spring, summer and fall crops.
Arcadia, Everest and Marathon – these varieties love the cold so you can harvest through the winter!
The hybrids offered by Burpee focus on side shoot production:Â Royal Tenderette, Sun King Hybrid and Bonanza.
Next we have some open pollinated options:
De Cicco – this is an Italian variety that produces a small crown and many side shoots. I like the side shoots for my salads. I matures in about 48 days. You can find De or Di Cicco at Botanical Interests, High Mowing and Johnny’s.
Umpqua – also give a generous amount of side shoots and is from Oregon. This variety is sold by Territorial.
Waltham 29 – another classic which is known for producing a single crown up to 6″ in the fall. You can find this variety from Botanical Interests and High Mowing.
I found a pretty purple option called Rosalind from High Mowing that grows best in the Fall. The head gets up to 5″.  When cooked, it turns from purple to green.