Alan and I visited our friends, Beth and Scott last night. Scott and my husband are both from Texas but ended up in Pittsburgh when then got married to the Pittsburgh ladies.
Since Scott loves to garden too, we went over early evening to check out his beautiful garden. One thing I really liked is that he uses cattle fencing to make tunnels for his vining veggies to grow over.  As you can see, he is using the fencing to support some of his tomatoes. He is having more success with this method than growing the tomatoes up twine.
I’ve been thinking about using fencing as well to grow beans, possibly tomatoes, cucumbers, winter squash and flowers next year. Some of the beans that I grow will reach up to 10 feet long. Since this fencing is 16 feet long, I could grow beans up one side and a shorter vining plant on the other side. I am always trying to grow as much as possible in the space I got.

Since Scott doesn’t have a fortress around his veggie garden like I do, he took my advice and sprayed Liquid Fence around his garden to deter the rabbit and deer. It seems to be working!
I brought home a couple of tomatoes that were new to me and a spaghetti squash to try. Yummy!