While I admit that my focus is on flowers that are low maintenance and bloom from Spring to Fall, I have to share a great find that fits the criteria which is the Darling Shasta Daisy!
It is “darling” because it is so dainty and cute. You got to love the crisp white petals and the cheery yellow middles. This daisy plant will grow to about 1 foot high and 2 feet wide. It is recommended that you space them between 1 1/2 to 2 feet apart. They are cold hardy down to -20ºF which means it is good to go in zone 5.
Since this daisy plant tops off at 1 foot, it will make a great border plant. Keep in mind that in the Fall and Spring you can divide this plant to get more daisies! Dividing just means that you dig up the plant, divide the daisy clumps, transplant and water. How easy is that!