Carrot Varieties

Danvers 126

This is the first year that I am growing the carrot variety called Danvers 126. As the name suggests, variety is a Danver type of carrot.  If you need a refresher on the types of carrots, just click on it.


1) This variety is crack resistant.

2) Danvers 126 is a sweeter variety.

2) These carrots mature in 65 days.

3) Danvers 126 carrots will be at their peak when they are 7 inches long.  The greens will grow up to 8 inches.

4) While Danvers 126 loves the cool season for growing, it is heat tolerant.

5) These carrots can grow in full or part sun.

6) This variety tolerates heavy soils.

7) I heard that the birth place of this variety was in Danvers, Massachusetts!

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