Snap Pea Seed Ideas

Seed Ideas for Snap Peas

While yesterday’s topic was seed ideas for shelling peas, it’s time to think about what kind of snap peas you want to grow. Often you will see snap peas called sugar snaps. You know sugar snap peas are going to have sweet pods and peas if they have sugar in their name! Top Ten List: […]

Pea Seed Ideas Shelling Pea Seed Ideas

Seed Ideas for Shelling Peas

For “regular”  or shell peas, I grow the pole types not the bush types because I am trying to maximize space in my garden by growing vertically as much as I can. The following varieties will give you 9 peas or less per pod: Wando Peas – this one is an oldie but goodie. Laxton’s Progress #9  – […]

Leaf Lettuce Seed Ideas

Seed Ideas for Leaf Lettuce

I have quite a few seed ideas for Leaf / Looseleaf Lettuce: If you are looking for a green variety, then check out the following: Black Seeded Simpson – this variety is known for tolerating the summer heat. Ezrilla If you want a spark of color in your lettuce, then check out these varieties: Brentwood […]