Eggplant Seed Ideas

Seed Ideas for Eggplant

I always thought of eggplant as a large deep purple Italian plant based on what I usually see at the grocery store.   Don’t worry – there are other choices such a smaller plants, smaller fruits, different colors and different countries of origin to pick from.  While I usually update my seed posts in the […]

Pole Tomato Seed Ideas

Seed Ideas for Pole Tomatoes

Well if you want to go vertical with your garden to save some horizontal space, then pole tomatoes are the way to go.   We already talked about the pole cherry tomatoes that I am growing again this year.  Now we should talk about some pole tomatoes with mid size to large fruit.  Don’t forget that you will […]

Bush Tomato Seed Ideas

Seed Ideas for Bush Tomatoes

When you are purchasing tomato seeds, check to see if they are determinate or indeterminate.   Determinate tomato plants grow in a bush form.  Indeterminate tomato plants grow on a pole in a vine form. The following are some options for round red tomatoes: Botanical Interest offers Ace 55, Better Bush which is a good […]