Tomato Seed Ideas

Seed Ideas for Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a good provider of choices in the garden. Not only do they differ by type, they also offer choices in color and whether they grow in a bush or pole format. I also love the color-coded seed blends that are offered by some companies. I think High Mowing Seeds does a great job […]

Lettuce Seed Ideas

Seed Ideas for Lettuce

I love the blends offered by Botanical Interests and Renee’s Garden and the reasonably priced single variety packet from MIgardener. I sorted these seed ideas by lettuce types. Butterhead / Bibb / Boston Seed Ideas: Crisphead Seed Ideas: Leaf / Loose leaf Seed Ideas: The following are green varieties: The following are red varieties: Romaine […]

Spinach Seed Ideas

Seed Ideas for Spinach

Here are some seed ideas by the types of spinach.  While my favorite seed companies carry several varieties of spinach, I like how you can search by spinach type on High Mowing Seeds. Savoy Seed Ideas: The following are considered semi savoyed: Flat/Smooth Seed Ideas: