What a name – Tromba D’Albenga Zucchetta! It is a squash that can be grown to be a summer squash like zucchini or a winter squash. If you want a summer squash, then you should pick it when it is about 10 inches long or under. As it gets longer, the skin will harden and […]
Squash & Zucchini Varieties
Dirani Summer Squash
Another summer squash that I am growing this year is called Dirani. It has pale green skin with white freckles and creamy flesh. Dirani grows in a compact bush format and will reach 36 inches wide. It is best to pick the squash when it is about 7 inches long. It matures in about 50 […]
Black Beauty Zucchini
While this might look like an ordinary zucchini, it is not! Any vegetable tastes better straight from the garden – of course! Don’t let the name fool you since Black Beauty has dark green skin and cream flesh. If you have any digestive issues and can’t take the thick skin of some zucchini types, then […]
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