Types of Beans

Types of Beans

Just like peas, there are different types of beans.  Types of Beans: When talking types of beans, consider what stage you want to eat them. Snap Beans – The beans and pods are edible.  They typically mature quickly.  The most famous type of snap bean is a green bean. Shell Beans –   The beans are shelled […]

Types of Lettuce

Types of Lettuce

While there are four main types of lettuce, you may only see iceberg and romaine at your local grocery store but there are more choices out there.  Let’s review them from the smallest to largest: Butterhead / Bibb / Boston:   This type of lettuce has soft  and buttery flavored leaves that form loose heads.  While […]

Types of Carrots

Types of Carrots

Typically when you go to the grocery store, you only see imperator carrots but there are four other types available to grow. Imperator:   This type is typically longer as it can reach about 10 inches long.  The carrot is tapered.  An example is Cosmic Red. Danvers:  This type is resistant to cracking and grows in […]