Seed and Bulb Ideas

Seed Ideas for Tatsoi

To  be honest, I just have two seed ideas for tatsoi.  I found tatsoi seeds at Botanical Interests and Johnny’s Selected Seeds.  With most seed companies, you have to type in “tatsoi” in their search engine to even find out if they sell these seeds.  They appear to be one of the best kept secrets!  […]

Seed and Bulb Ideas

Seed Ideas for Brussels Sprouts

Sometimes you come across really good ideas that you need to share.  For instance, if you really like to grow Brussels Sprouts and would like to extend your harvesting season, I would check out Territorial Seed Company. Brussels Sprouts are plants that you typically plant once as they need over 80 days to mature depending […]

Seed and Bulb Ideas Vegetables

Seeds for Sprouting

Before you get to the point of sprouting your seeds, you need to find the kind of seeds that you want.   You can buy them, save your own or exchange with others. Here is a list of my favorite seed companies: 1.  Botanical Interests – – I can buy their seeds locally at […]