
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies

Have to share some interesting information about the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies. . . Features:  The male is yellow with black tiger stripes.  There are two different female versions.  1) One looks similar to the male but has blue spots on its lower wings.  2) The other is all black with the blue spots on […]


Eastern Fox Squirrels

Because of the squirrel baffle, usually the squirrels don’t get access to the bird feeders.  This little one jumped from the outdoor bird cage that I had on the ground and was so happy to get access to the bird feeder! Appearance:  These squirrels have long and furry tails.  Different eastern fox squirrel species have […]

Bird Feeders

Outdoor Bird Cage

In the summer, I like to keep the grackles and starlings away from the little birds like finches, sparrows and chickadees  that like to feed from the tube feeders.  Even though woodpeckers are too big to get through the openings, they will like to cling to the cage, stick their head into the opening and […]