Berry bushes need sun, space and good drainage. Make sure you read the plant label before planting so you have enough room. Not only do you need space between the bushes for growth, but you also need room walk in between to harvest the berries. After a few years of growing some berry bushes in my flat […]
Sow and Grow
Plant and Grow Peaches
While we planted our Reliance Peach Tree back in May 2012, the first year that I got decent sized peaches was in 2015. It is common for fruit trees to take between 3 and 5 years to bear a sizable crop so you have to be patient! When we hit the 5 year mark this year, we […]
Plant and Grow Strawberries
We have another bumper crop of strawberries this year! Last year I moved the strawberries to their forever home which is in the same bed that I am growing peas. Please see my prior post to see why these two plants make great companions. Two years ago, I planted strawberry bare roots (see the picture […]
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