Cocktails from Pittsburgh Bars

Lola’s Brew

It helps to know other gardeners in your area.  It is helpful to exchange seeds and ideas!  Recently, my son’s friend Adam wanted my opinion on his Sumac Cider recipe.  Now my preference is to drink wine, but I really like this Sumac Cider under the label of Lola’s Brew. This cider wins based on […]

Cocktails from Our Bar

Orange and Lime Margarita

Back to having Happy Hour Friday!  Tonight Alan is making margaritas for us and friends.  While there are all kinds of margaritas, tonight’s specialty is an Orange and Lime Margarita! Ingredients: Tequila Orange Liquer Limeade & Margarita Salt for the rim! We are supporting our local El Paso Restaurant with a takeout meal on our […]

Cocktails from Pittsburgh Bars

What She’s Having Cocktail

Since we can’t go to Altius tonight, I wanted to share one of my all time favorite cocktails from their bar.  The views, the food and the cocktails are fantastic at Altius which is a restaurant located in Mt. Washington overlooking Pittsburgh.  We like to go there for special occasions like our anniversary or Valentines […]