Bumblebees love hanging out at Crazy for Gardening!
Features:  While bumblebees can be larger, I usually see the ones that are about 1/2 inch long. They are very fuzzy looking, have black and bright yellow stripes and black wings. Female bumblebees have stingers but male ones do not.
Food:Â Â Bumblebees love nectar and pollen from flowers.
Migration:  Bumblebees do not migrate. While the colonies of bumblebees die in the fall, the young females or queen bees hibernate over the winter in tunnels underneath the ground surface and emerge in the spring to produce eggs.
Beneficial:  While honeybees are considered the best pollinators, bumblebees come in second. This isn’t true in my yard. I see way more bumble bees.
Predators:  Just like honeybees, humans harm bumblebees by destroying their natural habitats and using pesticides. Consider planting some blooming plants rich in nectar and pollen and go organic!